Serra Retreat Center in Malibu, CA

March 23 - 28, 2025

Diana Butler Bass

Registration is now closed for our March retreat!

At the retreat this week?

Click the button to purchase copies of Freeing Jesus and Grateful, please see Evelyn if you have any questions.

And mark your calendars to join us at Zephyr Point in Tahoe August 3rd to 8th!

  • After our last Lectio Group, we got ready for our last worship service. Dr. Luther Smith preached a great sermon, and just like the rest of the week, the worship was phenomenal. One line that Luther shared during this sermon, from Howard Thurman, really sunk in for me. It was about prayer, and the power of prayer in the lives of those doing the praying. Thurman said: 'God’s answer to a prayer may be no, but God’s answer to a pray-er is always yes'.

    Adam Walker-Cleveland - Tahoe Retreat

  • “I was desperate for silence, but to do my inner work, I also needed the support of beauty and love. These I received.”

    -S. S. - Tahoe Retreat 2016

  • “This was the best of the best of any retreat I have ever attended.  My challenge in my spiritual path is to get out of my head and into my body and heart.  The content, process, and pacing really supported that.” 

    M. R . - Malibu Retreat 2017

  • "This week was so much more than I could have imagined – a gift of grace, creativity, and beauty.” 
